Is This Your Situation?

The 'taxman' cometh! You need help to get your books in order so
your Accountant doesn't have another breakdown.
Your company is growing and the books are taking too much time to keep
up to date.
Your Accountant says it is now time to hire a bookkeeper but you don't
have the office space or the equipment for a new employee.
Your company budget will only support a 'junior bookkeeper' - but you
know that what you really need is a 'senior' who can really do the job right.
You hate doing your books. Period!!!
If you can relate to any of the above statements, welcome to
In the Black Bookkeeping - give me a call. Services are designed
to accommodate your business whether you are just starting out, on your way
or have arrived. Every business is different and should be treated as such.
See 'Service' for details or drop
me a line. For some helpful tips, please see our 'Get
Ready' page.
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"Because not all books are created equal."

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In The Black Bookkeeping
Toronto, Ontario
(416) 967-4687
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